Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What A Lot I've Got!

My wife and I have been working hard since the Guerrilla Marketing Seminar at The Spy School, moving and consolidating our internet marketing magician website to a new server. That's so we can do more with streaming video and all the other new, exciting developments.

But, it's a bit like clearing out, when you move house. I never knew we had so much stuff. Did I really write all this? Some of it isn't that bad.

On top of that, our original internet marketing web site "Automatic Millionaires" - despite being a perfect description of the aims of internet marketing (making a lot of money . . . automatically) - did not make it obvious what the web site was about. So I've taken the stuff from that and consolidated it into Internet Marketing Magician.

Now we've done that, we'll be doing our other websites. These others have nothing to do with making money on-line. In fact, the internet marketing web site only came into being as a result of what we'd learnt (the hard way) doing all the other web sites about personal development, healthy eating and real estate. And, because one of the ways to make money is to make the most of your assets we did just that!

Now there's a thought . . . how many other internet "experts" have you come across who only have websites about marketing on the internet? Quite a few, I bet!

What amused me greatly about this web site transfer is how the supposedly omnipotent search engines can't take a simple move to another server in their stride. Strange, really, because the URL remains the same, but they simply can't cope. It's a bit like going into the store or a bank and asking the clerk for something slightly out of the ordinary and they go into a spin!

So this web site has dropped from a listing of about fifty or sixty pages, on some search engines, to ziltch! I suppose the robot has made its regular trip round to my old server, to check out my latest articles, found no one at home and pulled the plug.

I'm now awaiting the sting in the tail: because I've amalgamated all that stuff from the Automatic Millionaires website, the size of the Internet Marketing Magician website has increased somewhat. So the search engines will eventually stumble across this "new" site, note it's size and alarm bells will ring.

You can imagine the conversation going on in its little oh so logical brain: "A "new" website? Haven't seen this before. And it's so big! It must have been created by those awful software thinggies we hate. . . into the bottomless pit for you, my lad! Now which of these watches is best: the one that is stopped or the one that's a minute fast? Oh, definitely the one that is stopped. At least it's exactly right twice a day, while the other one is never right".

The joke is this . . . my website is exactly the sort of website the search engines allegedly love: plenty of helpful relevant content . . . centered around a theme . . all original content, written by a human being and not by software.

I'll keep you posted on that. If my server logs, show the "new" site getting crawled by the search engine robots and nothing shows on the results pages, we'll all know what's happened.

Just as well I'm not stupid enough to rely on fickle search engines. It's people I'm interested in helping, not search engine robots. So never be in thrall of the search engines.

In doing this transfer, I was amazed to see just how much information I have in just one place. There is over a hundred pages of content, including three lists that translate the most obscure internet, marketing and video production jargon into plain English, reviews of products and even reviews of people I think are worthy of a listing.

There are plenty of my original articles about internet marketing, of course, but there are also articles about how to be successful on the site.

Why is that?

Because no matter how much technical jargon you absorb, unless you approach the internet – or any business - with the right attitude, you will not succeed. Having had thirty odd years in business on my own account – good and bad – I know just how vital the right mindset is.

So, if you're wondering how to carve out your own piece of internet real estate, hop over to: http://InternetMarketingMagician.com/ and find out.

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