Would you take a few crisp hundred dollar bills out of your pocket and throw them away? Probably not, but that's exactly what you do all the time, if you pay to advertise your web site and here's why . . .
These are the conversion rates via a squeeze page, so called because it squeezes the name and e-mail address out of the visitor before they can access the web site.
** Of subscribers recruited via paid advertising 19% responded and 81% logged off
** Of subscribers recruited via recommendation (affiliates) 47% and 53% logged off
** Of subscribers recruited via my zero cost method 72% and only 28% logged off
Can you see the absolute irony of this method? By paying for your advertising, you're not only risking your investment will show a profit, you're also -- because of the poor conversion rate -- effectively paying twice. On the other hand, my method costs nothing, yet produces three times the result.
So why the vast disparity?
Simple: it depends on how much information the visitor has before you invite them to give their details on the squeeze page. With just an advert the visitor has learnt by bitter experience to be suspicious. Hardly surprising, when faced with the do or die proposition of a squeeze page, four out of five AdWords visitors simply log off the site, without signing up.
With a recommendation from a trusted third party -- such as an affiliate -- the response is doubled. This dramatic difference relies on the relationship the visitor already has with the affiliate. The more the affiliate is trusted, the higher the conversion rate.
So, the more confident your visitor is about your unfamiliar web site, the more likely they will subscribe to your newsletter. This is a vital first step to building a good, long term relationship with them. Then, you'll be in the ideal position of having customers who will buy pretty much everything you offer.
Not for nothing is the internet called the information super highway, because people mainly come to the internet seeking information. In fact, unlike the off-line world, where stores vie for the best locations, how good your information is defines where in the internet shopping mall you come.
But, suppose instead of spending all those sleepless nights worrying about your advertising budget disappearing faster than a politician's promise you made a simple -- yet very smart -- move and arranged for some good information that acted like hundreds of full page advertisements for your business sprinkled around the internet, where the very people you wanted to attract already congregate.
But suppose you were really, really smart and didn't pay any money for any of this. Would getting free traffic, which responded three times better than traffic you paid for, make a big difference to your profits?
Of course it would!
This method is tried and tested and the one which has served me very well. It's also the method used very successfully to launch the careers of many of the other big names on the internet, such as Yanik Silver, Jim Edwards, Michael Cheney and Steven Pierce. Yet, despite being the most effective and totally free, it's also the simplest. So simple, you might dismiss it as not worth the bother. That would be a very big mistake, particularly as I've now fitted a turbocharger, so it works like crazy!
And, one of my refinements mean you no longer have to be in a constant state of anxiety about search engines. You can ignore them completely! At last you're blissfully free of pandering to their whims. Even so, you'll find you'll actually get free traffic from the search engines, almost immediately you start this simple method. Yet you no longer have to bother with tweaking your web site or spending days employing search engine optimization methods -- or paying some SEO expert -- because this will happen without any extra effort on your part.
And here's an interesting thought: the poor people who still pay for advertising, because they aren't smart enough to use my free and far more effective methods, will actually end up paying you money! Why? Because they will be funding the extra passive income you can easily generate by placing AdSense ads on your web site, paid for by them. It's about as close to heaven as you can get without actually dying!
Copyright Paul Hooper-Kelly and www.InternetMarketingMagician.com
I'm shortly publishing my brand new book "How To Ignite A Free Traffic Volcano", detailing all my very latest crafty techniques of this amazingly effective free traffic system. Grab the first few chapters FREE by clicking this link now Free_Traffic_Volcano
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